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General, Agile

7 Browser Tricks to Aid in Your Testing

This blog talks about Browser tricks – little features you might not even realize exist, mostly in the “developer tools” sections of the browser. These aren’t about code, but instead ways to make testing a little easier.This blog tal...

General, Agile, Software Quality

Tips for Writing Effective Test Cases

Writing test cases is an art that requires the use of effective test design techniques mixed with experience, creativity and thinking out of the box.This blog discusses about some ideas to think of and write better and more effective test cases before you b...

General, Agile, Business, Software Quality

What Metrics Should You Be Using?

Many high-profile testers react negatively to most metrics programs. They argue that measurements usually do not measure the things intended. They point out that people change their behavior to drive the metrics in the direction management wants to see. The...

General, Agile

Are Your Test Cases Really Effective?

Test teams are forever designing and adding new tests, running them, and reporting results. But is your test team creating tests that are effective at finding real problems?How do you know if your tests are actually working, and not just adding to the ever-...

General, Agile

Prediction Magic

Learn how tools and approaches like Agile/Lead Metrics help make predictions on everything from delivery to defects.

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